Monthly tuition rates are based on the number of hours danced per week.
Tuition is due by the 10th of every month. Tuition can be paid automatically through your parent portal. We also accept payments via cash, check, or credit card at our front desk.
We offer discounts for paying the full year or paying 3 months at a time.
2024-2025 Tuition Scale
Hours/Week Monthly Tuition
.5 $45
1 $53
1.5 $58
2 $63
2.5 $68
3 $73
3.5 $77
4 $81
4.5 $85
5 $89
5.5 $91
Tuition not paid by the 10th of the month will have a $10 late fee assessed.
Tuition not paid by the end of the month will have a $15 late fee assessed.
Sibling discount: $2 less per month for second child, $3 less per month for third child
Tuition is not prorated and is based on an average of four weeks per month.
Dress Code
Students are required to wear appropriate form-fitting attire to every class. This includes leotards, tights, tank tops, biker shorts, leggings, or unitards. Jeans, skirts, hoodies, t-shirts, and sweatpants should not be worn to dance.
A black tank leotard should be purchased through the studio for $14/$16 at the beginning of the year. This is a basic tank leotard that every student should own, as it may be used as part of a costume in performances. It can also be worn to class.
Hair should be pulled back for all classes. No jewelry should be worn.
The following shoes are required for their respective classes: pink ballet shoes, black tap shoes, caramel jazz shoes, and nude lyrical shoes. Black hip hop shoes are required on a class by class basis. Required shoes must be worn to every class.
The studio is not responsible for lending shoes to students. All supplies, except for pointe shoes, can be ordered through the studio. Items must be paid in full when the order is placed.
*Tap and ballet shoes from Payless (ABT) and Target (Freestyle) are discouraged. These brands do not provide good support and traction, have poor quality tap plates, and do not promote proper muscle development in the dancer’s foot.
Shoes can be purchased through our studio or at any local dance supply store.
Poms are borrowed from the school for class and performances.
Batons should be ordered through the studio. Students are measured for proper sizing.
Attendance and practice are essential to learning and improving!
Poor attendance may impact a dancer’s ability to participate in performances. At the studio director’s discretion, students with poor attendance may be prohibited from performing. Please keep this in mind, as costume payments cannot be refunded if your child's attendance prevents them from performing.
Newsletters are emailed at the beginning of the month. They contain important information and are a great tool for communication between the studio and parents. Hard copies of the newsletter are available at the front desk. If you find you are not receiving these emails, please let us know so we can resolve the problem. Teachers are not able to meet with parents during their scheduled classes. Questions and concerns can be directed to the studio owner through a call to the studio, an email, or a message to our Facebook page.
You are always welcome to visit the front desk for information.
Two performances are held during the year. The Holiday Show will be held in December at Florissant Civic Center Theatre. Only selected classes perform in the Holiday Show. A list of classes performing will be sent home in our newsletter. You may also inquire with your child’s teacher.
Our year-end Recital will be held in the spring at Florissant Civic Center Theatre. More information about these events will be made available throughout the year. If you prefer not to participate in these performances, please inform us as soon as possible.
watch week
Parents and relatives are invited to Parent Watch Nights, held during the first full of week of November and March. As a courtesy to our dancers and teachers, these nights are limited to adults only.